Study Worsheets

Study to show thyself approved unto God!

Golden Pot of Manna Pt 1

The Ark of the Covenant contains a “Golden Pot of Manna”. It becomes evident, seeing that the Ark of the Covenant has a pre-eminent significance within the Sanctuary, that the Golden Pot of Manna is set forth as an essential symbol. 

Golden Pot of Manna Pt 2

In this study we will discover more lessons as we trace this word throughout the Bible. Keep in mind that these lessons are vital to our relation to God as the remnant, seeing that this Manna was placed in the Most Holy Place.

Golden Pot of Manna Pt 3

In this lesson of part three, we will learn yet more precious lessons. We will look at Christ own words and how He described the Manna!

Aaron's Rod Pt 1

The Ark of the Covenant is unarguably the most sacred of all the articles found within the Sanctuary. Therefore, it must be true that God regards the Rod of Aaron of great importance. Precious lessons are sure to be found surrounding the scriptures that relate to this special Rod.

Aaron's Rod pt 2

In part two, we will now look at another passage of scripture in connection with the Rod of Aaron. Let us discern if we find any of the same lessons or even more precious lessons concerning Aaron’s Rod.

Sanctuary Study

The Entrance Gate/Door

Through Christ and His mission to humanity, we see Him as the only way, truth, and the life. No other name can give us salvation but His-Acts 4:12. He is the Door! Any other way is robbery and a deception.

Sanctuary Study

The Courtyard

When God's people take their eyes off the things of this world and place them on heaven and heavenly things they will be a peculiar people, because they will see the mercy and goodness and compassion that God has shown to the children of men

Sanctuary Study

The Courtyard - The Laver

The great burden of every soul should be, Is my heart renewed? Is my soul transformed? Are my sins pardoned through faith in Christ? Have I been born again? Am I complying with the invitation, “Come unto me...

Sanctuary Study

The Lampstand

No candlestick, no church, shines of itself. From Christ emanates all its light. The church in heaven today is only the complement of the church on earth; but it is higher, grander— perfect.

The Table of Shewbread

This lesson will cover the basic observations of the Table of Shewbread, then we will seek to learn spiritual lessons. It is important to prayerfully ask God to help you understand each lesson He would teach. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make application to the heart.

The Altar of Incense

This lesson is all about the Altar of Incense. God wants His people to be a sweet smelling savor. May our life be such, and our prayers reach heaven by faith in our Great High Priest.

Ark of the Covenant

In the last study we examined everything surrounding the ark in the book of Exodus. We discovered all the minute details in which God instructed the Israelites in order for its construction... There is still much to learn. We will go on to other books of the Bible in their order, which speak on the Ark of the Covenant.

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